Donate to our people-powered campaign
It costs money to run a successful campaign.
Your contribution helps us pay for printing and social media advertising, so we can get our positive vision for Melbourne in front of more eyeballs before election day.
Local government election candidates are required by law to provide a record of their donations. By donating to our campaign you confirm that you have read and agreed to our election disclosure declaration.
To donate by bank transfer (and help save money on processing fees) click here.
I’m so grateful for your support – we honestly couldn’t do it without you.
Your contribution helps us pay for printing and social media advertising, so we can get our positive vision for Melbourne in front of more eyeballs before election day.
Local government election candidates are required by law to provide a record of their donations. By donating to our campaign you confirm that you have read and agreed to our election disclosure declaration.
To donate by bank transfer (and help save money on processing fees) click here.
I’m so grateful for your support – we honestly couldn’t do it without you.